Friday, October 27, 2006


though i 'still' havent done a thing...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The architectural version

Saturday, October 21, 2006

is this worth plucking my hair..?
# why am I not this lady sitting in our living crying "ma a7la 2mashit-ha ya laila!"....with pieces of cloth on my mind...and a trip to lebanon the day after?

why am I not my cousin....traveling around the world after graduating with a degree she knows nothing about....having no concerns what-so-ever about the career that has to be built?

# why am I not some singer all drenched in upcoming new new single...'i would elaborate more,but,unfortunately,i have no idea what would a singer have in mind!'

# why am I not my sister....any of them!...worrying about my kids' clothes for haircut and hair color...and having to go to work on this bloody sunday!..or.... wandering around some foreign city with my husband....then coming home to cook and study together for some course?

# why am I not reno 'not that i wish to be reno'...having a few basic tasks everyday to finish...the most challenging of them....chosing the most convenient place for every single component of the fridge...;)

# and hey!...why am I not him!?!...perfectly comfortable with using the site for "the brilliant cafe idea" i had in mind since..... ..... ...or adding my artistic touch by a gallery thats no-one will ever st foot in...?

# why am I not simsim....sleeping like a baby?

# why am I not some girl chasing after a BA degree....,i'de be shopping right now....or watching a "set" of series....'actually,i was shopping this morning!' many question nagging on me right now....i am making architecture out of myself...but why am i thinking about technology and form....trying to tie them up with concept and heritage AND the site (oh!n my own charachter).....when i'll probably change my mind on the whole function?!!....all for this bloody sunday.....why do i always wound up with the least intimidating instructors ever?!....but the most important question remains....


Friday, October 20, 2006

u think...

..and you think we got windows...?!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Define : Amman